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งานวิจัยเรื่องนวัตกรรมการนำนโยบายผู้สูงอายุไปปฏิบัติขององค์การปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อสำรวจนวัตกรรมการนำนโยบายไปปฏิบัติตามพระราชบัญญัติผู้สูงอายุ พ.ศ. 2546 ขององค์การปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น…

Thailand has an elderly population of 10%. This paper shows how the Thai elderly live; both socially and economically. A national survey found that 16% of elderly households in the rural areas live in substandard conditions. The majority of the…

The purpose of this article is to describe the demographic dynamics in 14 Asian countries. The foreseen impacts on economic growth; income disparity; social stability; pension programs; retirement; health care insurance; and labor market are…

Issue Title: Special Issue Title: Population Ageing in Thailand; Guest Editors: Somsak Chunharas and Ladda Damrikarnlerd Thailand established the National Elderly Council in 1982 to begin to address issues impacting the elderly. Nine years later; in…

BANGKOK; Thailand -- The following information was released by the United Nations ESCAP: WHAT: International expert meeting with a focus on measuring population ageing; to contribute to an enhanced understanding [...]

Focusing on different aspects of care; fourteen papers explored the long-term care environment in countries such as Indonesia; South Korea; China; Thailand; Philippines; Myanmar; Japan; Vietnam; and Singapore. Panels looked at the role of community…

Issue Title: Special Issue Title: Population Ageing in Thailand; Guest Editors: Somsak Chunharas and Ladda Damrikarnlerd Thailand has now reached a new demographic turning point with the advent of an ageing society. Improvements in the health care…

Many countries in the developing world are experiencing rapid population aging; prompting concerns that this will have adverse effects on their socioeconomic advancement and on the well-being of older populations. How these forces play out in the…

The study examined the process of policy implementation of lifelong learning for the elderly in Thailand; covering four main regions within the country. The study empirically compared inputs; processes; outputs; and outcomes of policy implementation…
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